Pond container suggestions

Question: i wanted to know if it is possabale to use a galvanized container for a fish pond. Will the metal hurt the quality of the water? Answer: Using a galvanized container as a fish pond can present a variety of future problems, including leaks where rust is almost certain to set in. It is…

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Remove fountain in winter?

Question: In the winter is it sufficient to unplug the spray fountain ,but, leave it in the water or does the fountain itself need to be removed? We live in Md. and it gets cold. I don’t want to break it. Thanking you in advance…Ann Answer: Generally it is best to remove the fountain, clean…

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Heron problems

Question: I recently had a great blue heron attack my pond. Before I could get the net on, he got my koi and put a hole in the bottom of the liner. The rocks around my pond are cemented, so I don’t want to have to replace the whole liner. Would I be able to…

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Koi in the winter

Question: we just recently moved into a new home and inherited a beautiful 2500 gallon Koi pond with about 6 large fish and a few babies. we live in ohio so we have a deicer on the pond, we emptied out on the line of the waterful and pulled the pump out. We did add…

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Veggie filter waterfall

Question: I LIKE TO BUILD A VEGGIE FILTER WATERFALL, CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT IS THE BEST SYSTEM AND HOW TO BUILT IT,AND THE PLANTS THAT I NEED FOR IT,THANK YOU Answer: This is really a matter of personal preference of which plants to use. Some of the plants I have used are Iris, Sweet…

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Pond liner leak

Question: I believe that my liner which is about 9 years old has a leak, how do I tell for sure? Is there something I can put in the pond that will tell me where the leak is? Or should I just replace it? Answer: Finding a leak can be difficult, but there are some…

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Pond Algae

Question: how long does it take the algae to clear when being treated Answer: It depends. It depends =”https://www.pondmarket.com/catalog/index.cfm/product/15_75/pondcare-test-kit-for-ph.cfm”>pH level, your Phosphate levels, if your using Beneficial Bacteria, if you get a lot of sunlight, if you have Pond Plants for both sucking up nutrients as well as for shading the pond, etc. There are…

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Pond pump suggestion

Question: I have two man made ponds, a 1/4 acre pond that flows into a 3/4 acre one (average 4 feet deep). I would like to place some type of pump to increase aeration and decrease algae. Can you suggest an appropriate pump? Answer: I would suggest looking into an Aerator or two for your…

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Waterfall flow control

Question: Hi, how do i make it so that the waterfall weir flows over a rock with a nice even current and without the water going all over the place? Answer: With many waterfall a Spillway is used. A spillway has a basin that fills up and then the water flows out over the lip…

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Freshwater conch

Question: can I put a freshwater conch in my Koi pond to eat the muck Answer: I don’t see this really being a problem unless the freshwater conch reproduces at high rates. If you only have one freshwater conch and it isn’t pregnant then I think you will be fine. I’m just worried that you…

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