Goldfish in my pond?

Question: I have a very small pre-formed pond. probably 8 feet long, 6 feet wide and 18 inches deep. I have water plants and frogs. This year when I put some fresh water plants in the pond (water hyacinths and some kind of oxygenator) I ended up with fish!! I called the store where I…

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Freeze over effect on fish

Question: in march i lost 4koi and 1 shubumpkin was cleaning leaves out then we had a freeze did i hurt them by cleaning too early Answer: More than likely cleaning your pond a little early was not the direct cause of the death of your pond fish. You might have stirred up the water…

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Transferring fish into different water

Question: hi, i keep my pond fish in a tank in my basement during the winter and i was wondering if you could tell me if i need to wait until the outside water gets over a certain temp Answer: The temperature of the water to move them outside isn’t really an issue. Making sure…

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Frozen pond

Question: I had about 30 fish die in my pond recently. This has never happened before. I live in Hinckley Ohio and we had a lot of snow and the pond was frozen longer than normal. It had thawed out about 2 months ago and refroze. The fish were frozen on the top. Answer: If…

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Heron vs Pond solutions?

Question: I built my pond late last summer and stocked it with 12 goldfish and 2 koi. Every thing was fine until this spring I found a Blue Herron standing in my pond (I live on a lake and Herron are quite common). Needless to say my fish are gone. Is there anything I could…

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Question: I was wondering do goldfish lay eggs or do they have live birth? How about Koi. Is it possible for baby fish to be sucked up to the Bog area with the pump? Thanks Gary. Answer: Both Goldfish and Koi lay eggs. The eggs are very sticky, and they lay thousands of them. Although…

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Can I add Cat Fish to my pond?

Question: Can I add an Albino Corridos Cat Fish to my pond. Are they fish eaters. I have baby koi less than a 1/8 long in the pond. D.H. Answer: Almost any fish will eat small baby fish. Catfish are not recommended in the pond for other reasons, mainly because they are bottom feeders and…

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Injured Fish

Question: I went out of town for the weekend and when I returned. One of my Shubunkins fins had been eaten and torn apart. She is still alive I put her in a small holding tank to see if she will recover. They have been in the pond for 6 months together with no problems.…

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Microbe-Lift/Sludge Away

Question: Microbe-Lift Sludge Away is safe for Koi and Goldfish if used as directed. It is used in our display ponds on a regular basis. Answer: Testing the pH to see if the rain significantly changed it is a good idea. It is possible though that the pond gets just enough run off from the…

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Feeding Pond Fish in the Fall and Spring

Question: I started feeding my common goldfish on a daily basis, this summer, using your PT-36 pellets. The results have been excellent. As the weather (and water) cools I am given to understand that I need to switch to a cool weather food. Is this true and, if so, at what water temperature do I…

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